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You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 10.1 - Check here for latest version

Generate n-Grams (Characters) (Text Processing)


Creates character n-Grams of each token in a document.


This operator creates all possible n-Grams of each token in a document. A character n-Gram is defined as a series of characters of length n. The n-Grams of a token generated by this operator consist of all series of characters of this token which have length n. If a token is shorter than the specified length n, the token itself is kept in the resulting document.


  • document

    The document port.


  • document

    The document port.


  • lengthThe length n of the n-grams. Range:
  • keep_termsIndicates if the original terms (i.e. tokens) should be kept along with the created n-grams. Range: